Tuesday, September 23, 2014


This is a post I've wanted to write for a long time! I have a pretty creative day job but I feel like my creativity really flourishes at night when I get to cook. I didn't always love to cook but in the past few years, I've really gotten in to it. I'm always taking pictures of the food I make - mostly so I can remember how to remake things - and my friends have been telling me for a long time, I need to get  all these recipes down! My loving husband is the guinea pig but I don't think he minds...

So why "Pretty Paleo"? Well, yes, I do Crossfit, and I LOVE it. However, I tried Paleo for the first time before I was doing Crossfit. Honestly, I felt great and I am a firm believer in the principles of this way of eating. That was about 3 years ago. However, let's be honest, it's nearly impossible to be 100% Paleo every day, so that's why I say I am "Pretty Paleo". I would say about 80% of my diet follows Paleo but I'm not going to get crazy about it, I just want to feel healthy, and feed my body healthy, nutritious food. I also happen to love when food looks pretty. No one wants to eat a pile of mush on a plate which is what your slow cooker can produce on a Paleo diet if you aren't careful!

I rarely use recipes so you are going to have to forgive the lack of exact measurements, I'll try my best! But regardless I hope you get some creative ideas for yourself. Take one piece of what I am doing and create a whole new meal around it. Or buy a bunch of fresh groceries, and see what you can come up with. Cooking should be fun (and pretty). Let's get this going... Cheers!

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